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"Whatever throws your hair back!"

May 11, 2021

This is your chance to get a glimpse into my brain!

Amongst the millions of things on my brain, the one that I want to share with you today is the feeling of...



A good friend of my fiancé's has this expression, "...I mean, if that's what throws your hair back!" I thought, you know, this is a great visual for excitement!

What makes you excited?

When you're excited, it feels good! And your hair flying in the wind, also feels good!

Getting excited happens A LOT when you first start your own business.

The excitement of:

The new found freedom you have.

The flexibility you have.

Meeting new people.

Making new deals.

New Opportunities.

But as the years go by and you weather the ebbs and flows of running your own business, things that once seemed exciting, can become daunting tasks. And just like in a relationship, you have to get creative as to how to keep the excitement alive.

The tell tale sign I need to start mixing things up, is when I feel like I'm just going through the motions and not challenging myself to the best of my ability. Which leads me to something that makes me habit tracking chart! I know...I'm a nerd, but my habit tracking sheet allows for me to reach personal goals everyday. And guess what?! When I accomplish them, I'm excited!

I encourage you to check out the habit sheet I've attached below from Brad Yates and fill it in so that the positive habits you want to form work best for you and your lifestyle and business needs. Make them challenging but attainable.

Download PDF • 841KB

By doing this, you are able to visually see your daily accomplishments, which will get you EXCITED! And the more excited you are, the more motivated you will be. Which is a necessity when running your own business.

I mark the boxes with green when I have been accomplished, and orange when I have not. When I first started tracking my habits, I had a lot of oranges. But as the months go by I am seeing a lot more green!

It's not meant to make you feel badly about what you haven't accomplished, but to help keep you focused on how much you can accomplish.

It's the small steps of movement that can help launch one into a great deal of excitement. It's not always easy, but as long as you're moving forward, even slowly, than you are on your way to that all encompassing feeling of "having your hair blown back!"

So whatever "throws your hair back", that's productive, do that.

Until the next blog...stay Modest, but be BOLD & GET EXCITED!

# modestlybold #hallanddesign

Sent with Kindness and Love,

From, Lily

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